Monday, October 18, 2010

Semester Essay #2 "Do you believe extraterrestrial life exists?..."

     There has been questions for many years about life on other planets. I do believe there is life on other planets. I remember years ago, scientist had talked about living organisms on the planet Mars. Humans and living organisms on earth cannot be the only living things in the universe. There has to be others.
     It is possible to have life on other planets in the universe. Finding that there is life on other planets may be difficult to prove. Scientist do not know exactly what form of life is on other planets outside our solar system, so it might be hard to search for. The universe is a huge place. Radio signals and space vehicles travel too slow to allow scientist to find life that is very far away.
     Mars is the most likely planet to have life on it. The conditions of Mars turns out to be similar to the conditions in Antarctica, except for the lack of oxygen. Scientist guess that forms of life might be able to survive on the planet Mars. Mars may have grabbed the headlines as a potential site of extraterrestrial life, but Venus may have been the original source of life in our solar system. Four billion years ago, the sun was forty percent cooler than today. At that time, Earth and Mars were probably frozen. Venus is closer to the sun. Four billion years ago, Venus may have had warm liquid oceans and a mild climate. Venus may have been the best haven for life in the early solar system. With nine-hundred degree Fahrenheit surface temperatures and an atmosphere permeated by carbon dioxide, chlorine  and sulfuric acid clouds today. Venus seems inhospital to our kind of life. It is even possible that life on Earth may have evolved from life forms provided by Venus. Venus may have a better environment for nurturing life more than on Mars. Venus has a chemically lively surface and atmosphere that could provide organisms with energy and nutrients. It is possible that Venus could have tiny microbes in its clouds particles. Venus is the closet thing Earth has to a twin. Studying Venus is the way scientist learned about the problem with Earth's ozone layer.
     In conclusion, Venus and Mars are the closet things to having life on them. Venus is like earth in some ways. Mars is a place like Antarctica, except it has less oxygen. This universe it to big for Earth to be the only planet with living things on it. There can be what we think as aliens, but those alines could think of us humans as aliens. I believe there is extraterrestrial life.

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